SEO-optimized posts are very important for your website. This article will discuss how to write an SEO-optimized blog post to get unlimited traffic to your website.

seo post of blog in 2021

SEO Optimized article

How to find topics to write a blog post:

First of all, you must think about the topic. What you want to write and what should be the theme of the article. You can also use Google Trends to find the trending topic about your niche but if your website is new always use the low SEO difficulty keyword. For new bloggers, it is recommended that write the evergreen topic with low SEO difficulty (SD).

Keyword research before writing to blog article:

Keyword research before writing to blog article:

To write the article about the specific topic, you must research the keyword. Keywords can be found after some research with the help of tools like Ubersuggest, Ahrefs keyword explorer, SEMruch, keyword planner, etc. Always choose that keyword that has low SD and high search volume.

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How to write SEO optimized article for your blog:

Follow these steps to write an SEO-friendly article.
  • Write the blog post in such a manner that use your main keyword in the first paragraph of the post. Your first paragraph must be lower than the 4-5 lines because readers like to read the small lines.
  • After writing the first paragraph use image that describes your blog post, a small size image, and adds your main keyword as a caption.
  • Use correct header tags, like H1, h2, h3, etc. 
  • Do not use your main keyword again and again because that confuses the google crawlers and duplicate content problems.
  • Use the related keywords in the post.
  • Always use direct language.
  • Create a perfect search description of your post.
  • Your all content and all images must be your own, don't copy from any other website or social media. You can also create your own image from the
  • Your permalink must have your main keyword and should be as short as possible.
  • Create correct labels for your post.
  • To target, a specific region uses the correct location.