The snack Video app is a social media app just like TikTok and its most useable app in Pakistan. In this article, you will learn what is snack video app? How to use it? How to earn money from the snack video app? How much you can earn from this app.
What is snack video app? - Download Apk and how to earn money

What is the Snack Video app?

The snack video app is a short video app just like Tiktok, YouTube Shorts, and Snapchat Spotlight. The snack video app is designed for Android and Apple users. The length of the video is about 5 seconds to 1 minute. 

How to use Snack Video app?

  • First of all, you have to create account with the help of google, apple, Facebook, twitter and phone number.
  • Second you have to complete the profile by uploading the Profile image, set the date of birth, choose the country and then confirm the phone number and Gmail by inserting the code sent to your phone number and Gmail respectively.
  • After completing the profile you can use the app and likes the video, comments on the videos and Follow the your favorite accounts.
  • If you want to become popular and earn money then you have to upload video on daily basics.
  • Recommended size of the is portrait and mobile screen size.

How to earn money from snack video app?

Snack video app help their creators by rewarding their account with funds. There are many types of the rewards. Snack video creators award and referral rewards. 

Creators rewards:

Snack video app give money to their creators by filling their accounts. Currently this reward is launched for the Pakistani users. Soon that rewards will also given to the worldwide creators of the snack video app. To get the creators reward your video must have following three features:
  1. You have the copyrights of the video
  2. It must have high resolution 
  3. Your video must have enough views, likes, Comments and engagement

Referral Reward:

Referral rewards are given to the users that refer the snack video app to their friends, family or any other people. To get this reward your referral must to download the app with your personal link and and bind the app with your Referral Code. Per referral snack video app pay up to Rs: 500 which is equal to approximately 5 dollars.

How much you can earn from the snack video app?

Creators rewards depend upon the views, likes and engagement. Normally if a user have 30k views + 1k likes that user will earn approximately 1 dollar. It may can vary from country to country.
But the referral rewards depend upon how much you get the referrals. But the referral reward is much higher then the creator rewards. Approximately if you have 10 referral you can earn up to 35 dollars even higher this amount.

How to download the snack video app?

Snack video app is available for both android and apple users.